Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Imhiriel's Drabbles
Legolas shall be for the Elves


Elrond's choice is clear... Really? Legolas is unsure about his place in the Fellowship and seeks out another potential candidate.

MEFAwards 2009: 3rd Place – Times: Ring War: Drabbles


Legolas hesitantly entered and stood before the large desk, strewn with reports, training schedules and provision lists.

Glorfindel’s inviting smile turned into a quizzical frown at the other’s apparent discomfort.

“Legolas! The scouts brought back bad news from your home?”

Legolas shook his head mutely, then said in a rush, “You do not take it amiss that I took your place in the Company?”

Glorfindel laughed and came around to stand before Legolas, giving his shoulders a firm squeeze. “You took nothing away from me, never fear. And rest assured that, as ever, Elrond’s choice will prove a wise one.”


- Title is from FotR, The Ring goes South.
- “...and some of these [scouts] had crossed the Mountains and entered Mirkwood...” (ibid.)

01.07.07 B-drabble for Tari Elflady, whose request included Glorfindel and Legolas.