Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles
Sea Change


Anything about Aragorn and Arwen, Sphinx asked. I was only too happy to comply...


In the grey light, she stands straight and still on the rocks, the salt-breeze catching her hair. Her face is as a mirror—nothing of her in it, while below, the sea roars. Gulls wail as he asks gently, "Arwen?"

She turns; in a heartbeat he is beside her, called with a glance. "'Tis well, Estel, I am well," she murmurs. "I would but look, for the waters are silent without the Twilight."

Holding her tightly, Aragorn turns east towards the glitter. "Look, then," he says against her hair. "For you've gained the Dawn."

"I know," says she. And smiles.