Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles
Upon this hither shore


fliewatuet asked for a drabble about pre-Ring war Aragorn.


They say water draws Elves. Mayhap also the elven-reared, for there he sits—the foundling washed up on mortal shores.

The stone skips twice, then sinks. Halbarad tsks. "Throw a round?" he asks when the other turns. Aragorn considers, then nods.

Upon the riverbank they stand, casting stones in silence awhile. "You're often here," Halbarad says. Aragorn shrugs.

"I was born between these rivers—" his last stone sinks "—but they speak nothing to me."

The final stone skips thrice. "Silly game," Halbarad complains. A beat, then: "Again, tomorrow?"

Reflections waver in the water.

"Aye, tomorrow," Aragorn agrees. And then smiles.