Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles


Also for Starlight!


If there's a wrong side of the river, as they say, they're neither sure which side it is. Blodwyn, watering her horses, hears the bleeting sheep first, then spies the dark lass among them across the ford. It's been a time since they've seen each other—when the war came, the Isenlands were cleared. The spear-ringed mound tells a too-common tale, and the Dunlending wears a shawl black as Blodwyn's. Who knows but that their men may now lie brother-buried in the Deep...?

"Goddaeg, Dunlending! 'Ware for caltrops!" Blodwyn calls gruffly.

The reply floats back, "Ne sees nane, Forgoil. Ge'dag!"