Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles
Who would be king


A woman after my own heart, Gwynnyd has a minor Aragorn obsession and asked for a drabble about him at any point in his life.


No trace of Ringwraiths. The message went by courier upon their return, for Aragorn had much to do ere returning to Imladris. For there's war, and then there's apocalypse.

"Again," Halbarad remarked with black humor the day of Aragorn's departure. And since they were alone, Aragorn chuckled, though mirth quickly faded.

"Can you manage in my absence?" he asked.

"We always have," Halbarad assured him. But when Aragorn had mounted his steed, Halbarad touched his knee and asked: "Can you manage in our absence?"

"I'm your Chieftain," Aragorn said simply, and ere Halbarad could comment, finished: "How could I possibly?"