Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles
The secret skies


Kiana asked for a Legolas drabble for her eleventh birthday.


He could hear them below.

"Legolas! Your highness!" It always made him giggle inside, that title. Eleven years was rather short for so lofty a title, when others had to look down even to speak to him.

But he had found the means to fit it, oh yes he had: if one would stand above all others, one need but find the shoulders of giants to stand upon.


With a smile for his own cleverness, the Prince of Mirkwood tucked himself up amid the furthest branches, and gazed out over the high green meadow, and watched the butterflies grazing.


Nods to Newton for the shoulders of giants bit, and to Tolkien's "The Hobbit" for that last line.