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A birthday drabble for Dwimordene, who asked for: "Something Kin-Strifish, which can include the arguments and tensions preceding the actual war. Post-war stuff would also be welcomed." I stretched "post-war" about as far as I could.


Ithilien did not forget the slaughter, the great hunger, the fires, the blood poured out upon its stones. All of it done in the name of purity, to force upon men a false settlement.

Yet all that is certain is that time will wear the world and change will come. Time will play out its patterns in the ripples on the river, and the sunlight on the leaves. Colours will commingle like the threads on the loom of VairĂ« herself: black for NĂºmenor, fair for Rohan. One day all of Gondor will greet Ithilien's first Prince and his northern son.


"The slaughter and destruction done in the city at Castamir's bidding far exceeded the needs of war. This was remembered in Minas Anor and in Ithilien..."


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