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'Neath Anor, Ithil, and Gil
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Seeking to Give Comfort


For Dean Maia of Este's birthday. And thanks to RiverOtter for the beta.


Seeking to Give Comfort

The Lady Melian, Queen of Doriath, sought to comfort her daughter. "I do not understand, Naneth," the weeping elleth whispered between her sobs. "Why cannot he see that this is the one who stirs my heart! It is true he is but a Man--but the fire of passion within his heart burns so strong that it has blinded me to those who look at me with desire from among our own people! Why can Adar not appreciate how deeply I am moved? Why must he see him as nothing more than an adan, as if that were somehow shameful, or as if Men were lesser somehow than the Eldar? Are they, too, not among the Children of Eru?"

What could the mother say to her bereft child, her sweet LĂșthien? After all, could it not be said by some that she, too, had, as a Maia, wed beneath her own station by marrying Thingol, a mere king among Elves?

"Oh, my daughter, I understand."

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