Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Vistula's Drabbles
By:Vistula the Dunadan
Master of the House - Sam and Elrond


He’s Master here, I know that – make no mistake – and I should mind my place. I respect him, yet when he says go, take some rest, I cannot obey. My place is at my master’s side. He couldn’t bid me different, were he King of all elves.

With stealthy steps that belied his clumsy nature, Sam slipped through the sickroom door. Mindful of the elves’ keen senses, he crept silently to the bed, reclaiming his post at Frodo’s side.

Sam didn’t notice Lord Elrond secreted in the shadowy corner nor see his knowing smile. Fear not, Master Samwise, I understand.