Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
The Gardener's Wife
By:Vistula the Dunadan


This fic has the distinction of being the product of the first nuzgul ever flung at me by a member of the HA yahoo group – though regrettably I do not remember who to…ummm…thank (?) for the inspiration. Not long after I joined, I asked a question about information on Sam’s mother. Since there wasn’t much available, the respondent basically said, the sky’s the limit. Then (s)he uttered the immortal words: “Perhaps Sam’s mother left the Gaffer, went off to live with one of her children or something like that. Why not have fun with it.”

The idea of Bell Gamgee leaving the Gaffer stuck with me, but nothing came about from it until “The Forgotten Ones” challenge came up on HASA. The fic that ultimately resulted is the product of that furry little ankle-biting critter quickened by the HASA challenge.

Vistula ~ muttering “free…free at last” while releasing the now sated little critter back into the nuzgul pool.

BTW…Nuzgul Flinger, if you remember who you are…show yourself you evil…*ahem* …sorry…let me just say: “Hannon le!”