Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Marta's Assorted Drabbles
His Lady's Horse (Third age- pre-WotR) (Aragorn, Halbarad)


Halbarad brings Aragorn a gift from Rivendell.


The dusk light had nearly faded to evening's grey, but no matter. A ranger's ears can hear a man approach. Eight hoofsteps.


He dismounted, leading the new horse toward me.

"All was well in Imladris?"

He smiled knowingly. "Aye, she lives."

I turned to face him. "I did not ask of Arwen --" But then I saw the horse. I knew that proud back, that hardy coat. A horse of the Valley.

Halbarad leaned close. "The lady is well, and wishes you the same."

'Twas good it was so dark. A ranger did not smile so foolishly at a horse.