Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Imhiriel's Drabbles
A Cold Farewell


Thorin Oakenshield's thoughts on Bilbo after he has dismissed him from the Company in TH, The Clouds Burst.


I know the others wonder at my treatment of Bilbo. Has he not fulfilled his duty, nay, more than fulfilled? Saved us more than once from imprisonment and death?

But to be beholden to someone who does not understand – it sits ill with me. Has not the dragon taken away everything – home and treasure? What remains if not dignity and pride?

Now, with our goal so close, he took the Arkenstone! The Heart of the Mountain!

Bilbo is a fool! Ignorant, meddling... miserable burglar! Yes – a traitor!

It was not his to take, not his to give away!

It is mine!


- The title is the reversal of TH,“A Warm Welcome”.
- Some of Thorin’s names for Bilbo are from TH, The Clouds Burst.

13.12.06 Contribution to the There_and_back_again LJ community’s advent calendar’s prompt for the 11th December: Thorin Oakenshield.