Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Sundry Scrolls
VIII. Gone Amiss (Aragorn)


All that I have done today has gone amiss

Aragorn, Ch. 1: The Departure of Boromir, The Two Towers

At first, he did not truly understand that death had struck. That so mighty a man had so quietly smiled, paled and died strained Aragorn’s belief. He tightened his grip on Boromir’s fingers; but to no avail. The tide of life had receded, leaving the warrior’s sword-hand limp and cool.

Aragorn felt the tears slide down his face before he realized that he had shed them. The man born to be his Steward was slain, slain on his watch, slain while he himself had taken not even a scratch.

Stars and Stones and Tree! What shall I say to Denethor?