20 |
Fragile Things |
Harpers use tuning forks to play true. Balhir seeks the note that’ll shatter crystal, as it were. He must break the bottle just so. For whoever’s in the keep must pass word down the pendant chain, making a trail – like bread crumbs. The wharf’s moon-distant yet. Balhir needs a monkey in the middle to chair. The flautist…? Sheeted rag boy tailed him for a copper – seed money that led to a violinist. Cookied, Vale-folk violinist, just beneath keep’s notice… Peaches. The letter of right’s still wet the snowy morn Balhir meets him in the lock-holes: “Adris, is it? Let’s talk…” |
Prompt: bottle, wharf, violin, moon, monkey, fork, hole, lock, sheet, pendant, crystal, cookie, letter, money, tail, chair, bread, seed, peach, snow |