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The Practice Sail |
As Frodo drew his small craft into the island’s main wharf he was met by the elleth Livwen, who had befriended him soon after he’d arrived on Tol Eressëa. She accepted the painter, and between then they soon had the tiny swanship tied in place. “Did you have a nice sail?” she asked him. “Oh, yes! The cliffs to the north of the city are beautiful in the dawn’s light!” he answered her. “I took a bottle of wine and the violin your sister’s husband made me and tried playing it there where there was none to offend by the noise.” “Did you play it well?” “Oh, no--I’m no better with it than I ever was. I remind myself of my Cousin Folco--he took lessons on the viol as a lad, and was always terrible. The neighbors took to closing the shutters during his practices.” Together they laughed. |