Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Alphabet of Arda
By:Linda Hoyland
O - like an ornery Oromë.


O - like an ornery Oromë.

The characters are the property of the Tolkien Estate.


Unhappy Hunting

“I must be loosing my old Ranger skills,” Faramir lamented. “I have failed to catch anything.”

“So have I.” Aragorn joined his friend in the forest clearing.

“How our wives will tease us!” groaned Aragorn. “I wanted to show Arwen I was still as skilled a hunter and tracker as in my youth.”

“Maybe it was not a good idea to promise to provide a deer for the banquet,” the Steward said dolefully. “I thought Oromë would smile on us, since we kill only for need, not pleasure.”

Aragorn grimaced ruefully. “Perhaps he simply awoke in an ill mood today.”


You can see these drabbles with graphics chosen to illustrate them at my website