Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Between Green Door and Gold Ring
A Father's Duty


Written for the Tolkien Weekly Father prompt. For Marta on her birthday. Thanks to RiverOtter for the beta.


A Father’s Duty

“And where is your father?” asked the old Hobbit of his young grandson.

Little Bilbo swallowed. He felt a bit frightened of the old fellow. He did manage, “Back in our rooms, with Mummy. She’s not been feeling well.”

Grandfather’s expression softened markedly. “With your mummy, is he? And that’s just as it ought to be. He knows well, your father, that to be a good da he needs to care properly for his wife. Remember that when your time comes, Bilbo-my-lad! Now, would you like a sweet?”

Bilbo accepted being lifted into Grandfather’s lap. Not so frightening after all!