Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
March 8, 3019: Coil


Finally, the crier came with orders: Should Corsairs attack, Haradrim must keep to their homes.

Ba-a-šuvon spat; Father slapped him in rebuke.

Yet later, Father, Chodakh, his eldest, following, sought Menarion.

“Pelargir levies men with more than fourteen years – speak for us!”

“No need,” Menarion answered. “The Corsairs won't come.”

“But if they did?”

“Stay inside.”

Eni chudane eni enai tarakhenu t'hole,” Chodakh muttered. Eyes narrowing suspiciously, Menarion ordered:

“You'll stay within. Accidents might happen, otherwise.”

“This is shameful,” Chadhi implored. “Pelargir is our home!”

Coolly came the answer: “Maybe.”