Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
B2MEM 2011 fics
The Dunsinane Waltz


Prompt: Rohan: Write a story or poem, or create a piece of art where your character rises above themselves to follow their dreams.


Beneath the bending bower eaves
Walks Lúthien among the trees –
Beech and ash, willow, yew
Hollyhock and rowan, too –

A year beneath her shoeless feet
A year her soles have felt the beat
of treely measures slow and solemn –
joyful life a throbbing drum,

To which she turns and stately dances
Weaving like the windy branches –
Lifts her voice in song so deep
it touches roots and sappy seeps.

Leaves shake, wood cracks,
branches sway – the trees sing back!
Silent stiffness falls to earth,
Oboed throats gives voice to mirth,
Knotted eyes then truly see:
Woody life goes dancing free.