Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Seven Deadly Sins
Envy: Under the Sky (Legolas)


High in a beech after Elrond's Council as sunset turns the valley scarlet and gold, Legolas returns endlessly to Galdor's revelation. They hold the Three! Imladris, the Havens, Lorien. While we struggled for years unregarded to keep back Dol Guldur's rising darkness; all Father's worry, countless patrols, so many lost! And they dwelt safe...

Envy rises into his throat, choking him. I understand Boromir of Gondor, now. Why should we not -

Because Frodo's quest ends the power of the Three, forever. The thought strikes arrow-swift, straight to his gut. For good, or ill. So, Thranduilion... best pledge him your bow.