Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
The Potter's Wheel
Deadly Accuracy


For the LiveJournal tolkien_weekly "Potter's Wheel - Throw" challenge.


Scrabbling like cockroaches, black waves of orcs attempt to gain the Hornburg’s outer wall. Bow singing, Legolas mentally counts down his quiver; three… two… Beside him Gimli’s axe greets a snarling assailant, toppling him forward across the wall.

As his last arrow flies, Legolas sees Aragorn weaving along the battlements towards them – and behind him a great Uruk clambering on to the parapet. Without time to shout he whips round, snatches a black blade from the belt of Gimli’s slumped victim, hurls it –

Aragorn looks from the Uruk, sprawled with the knife between his eyes, to the Elf.

“Nice throw.”