Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Let There Be Light
A Light from the Shadows Shall Spring


(Prompt: Firelight)


The little group huddles around the campfire against Dunharrow's night-chill. Elladan and Elrohir murmur together; Halbarad's checking on the horses, Gimli already snoring in the tent.

"You know I will ride with you," Legolas says softly; "I need fear no mortal Dead."

"I am blessed in my friends." Firelight glints on the sudden smile lifting Aragorn's bone-weary features. "Those walking steadfast alongside me... and those whose love and care must needs be sent from afar."

The Elf's glance flickers towards the tall, black bundle carefully propped against a tent-pole. "Hold these three close against the darkness; friendship, hopeā€¦ and love."