Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
B2MeM 2012
Projections for the Fourth Age (Amrothos)


Projections for the Fourth Age, by Starlight
B2MeM Challenge: day 2, 072: Economy: Real Estate; Gondorian History: The Fourth Age
Format: Drabble
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Characters: Amrothos
Pairings: None
Summary: Those who cannot learn from the past are condemned to repeat it (Jorge Santayana)

They poured over the map. Amrothos had memorized all the names by the time he was nine, in perfect haradric and three other dialects.

His father had brought them to these negotiations since childhood and, if he had learned one thing from watching haradrim, it was that those hallmarks his people clung to meant nothing to them if the water dried out. They would leave without a second thought while his people stood there, parceling the land they would get in exchange-- for what?

So haradrim hated them.

"We'll have to do things differently this time, boys..." he said, grimacing.

~the end