Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
B2MeM 2012
Closer to ending (OC dĂșnadan of the south)


B2MeM Challenge: O65 Games: Draughts, b7 Card games; O65 March 3019: The haradrim in Ithilien
Format: Drabble
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Characters: Unnamed dĂșnadan
Pairings: None
Summary: At one point there were dealings between them...

As he sat under the leaves, he could not stop hearing his grandfather's voice tell the story of the haradrim who had saved his own grandfather. They were merchants, traveling the Harad Road, when the young boy had gotten lost. As he waited, he felt keenly how close his family's line came to ending-- how close it came to him never being born at all.

One day they would travel the road again. One day they would trade food for spices. One day they would play draughts and cards with their sons and dance with their daughters.

But not today.

"... men were yelling and screaming, and one clear loud voice was calling Gondor! Gondor!" (Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit, RotK)