Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
B2MeM 2012
Removal (Amlaith)


B2MeM Challenge: b15: Adûnaic: Twins; Economy: Taxation; Festival: Winter
Format: Drabble
Genre: General
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Characters: Amlaith
Pairings: None
Summary: In the aftermath of the arnorian "kin-strife..."

Amlaith looked over the courtyard of Elendil's palace. When he was a lad people came from the far reaches of Arnor to glimpse the glory of Númenór-that-was. There was a man who sold baubles with his pet snake; then the man who claimed his line was so long-lived that his great-grandfather twice removed had known the twins Elrond and Elros; and the lady who made the fruit cakes...

Not now. Winter had fallen on them. Their greed had diminished the Dúnedain.

"We cannot make the people support this living tomb," he said. "We move to Fornost."

~the end