Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles


Khazar said: "Let's see the bad guys at work". The result probably deserves a warning for gore.


Tegrib sighed. A year to set this trap, innumerable orcs lost, and the trolls! Trolls were inelegant, but as lures, they guaranteed sufficient toys for the orcs to break while Tegrib worked his patient craft, that certain questions be answered ere sentence fell.

But skill had limits; Tegrib glared at Isildur's bleeding Heir. Impressive–after all he's endured, who'd've thought he'd have wit or will to bite his own tongue off?

Crouching, he said then: "Well done. You've bought your son some time. But only a little. Guard!"

"Sir?" the orc replied, eagerly.

Tegrib waved a hand. "He's all yours..."


"And it happened that when Arathorn and Gilraen had been married only one year, Arador was taken by hill-trolls in the Coldfells..."

"[T]he Wise then knew that the Enemy was seeking to discover the Heir of Isildur, if any remained upon earth."
–"The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen", Appendix A, 420