Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Birthday drabbles
Walkabout season


Marta asked for drabbles about preparations for journeys.


Frodo is out wandering again. All Bag End is in boxes, in crates bound for Crickhollow. The old green door's new-painted, but the wizardly dent shows still. September's turning, has tilted already—the hours fall away toward revelation and farewells.

Merry, stacking cupboards, putting pictures upon walls never meant to be long lived in, knows this. He counts coins, knows the price of ponies, measures meals, miles.

For Frodo is leaving, and Merry's heart hammers in his chest. Fear, yes, but he's a Bucklander, too: walking the hobbit-ways of the Old Forest, he whistles, for the woods whisper of Outside...


The 'wizardly dent' refers the dent Gandalf banged into the door when he knocked the thief-sign off of it in "The Hobbit."