Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Vistula's Filk Frenzy
By:Vistula the Dunadan
Frodo the Reluctant Ring-bearer


To the tune of Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer


You know Legolas and Strider and Gandalf and Gimli,
Borormir and Samwise and Pippin and Merry....

But do you recall, the most famousest hobbit of all?

Frodo the reluctant ring-bearer, had a very shiny ring;
And if you ever saw it, you would surely covet the thing.

All of the other hobbits, used to sneer and call him strange;
They always thought poor Frodo, like Bilbo Baggins was deranged.

Then one night at Rivendell, Elrond a quest did fling;
"Frodo with companions eight, won't you go destroy the ring."

Then off they set for Mordor, but none of them was filled with glee;
Frodo the reluctant ring-bearer, he'll go down in history.