Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
In the hour of nations


Prompt: Sell

Summary: Selling the dream.


The camp grew daily. Celbaran tried forgetting the man and woman – their offer.

'Twas hard, when smaller bribes showed mean in their light.

'Twas worse when riders appeared: the Khan's scouts loved not refugees.

“They'll return with us,” the chief scout declared.

“Harad doesn't rule Harondor,” Captain Ránion replied.

“She'll rule Hurrhabi's traitors, if Gondor desires peace!”

“Harad's justice be done,” Ránion answered. “When your captain and company arrive.”

“We're selling them downriver!” Celbaran fretted later, gesturing to Gondor's guardsmen ringing the camp.

“Someone's to pay for Hurrhabi.” Gilion reasoned. “Thorongil's gone, Harad's reach is shortened: good for us.”

Death for them.
