Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
B2MeM 2012 (Mostly) Drabbles
God's Gonna Cut You Down (Númenóreans)


Economy: Agriculture
Write what you know: Title and/or lyrics from the last song you listened to


God’s Gonna Cut You Down

Someone has always had to do the dirty work: to clean, to clear, to dig, to reap, to sow.

Not here. Never again.

We have cleared huge tracts of land and built great machines for cultivation. We have studied our own lifespan and used that knowledge to good purpose. Our livestock does not sicken and our plants do not wither. Our rural and urban poor have benefitted from cheaper and more various food, and from the leisure hours available to them as a result of better work.

We are sowing seeds for our future. We are coming to full bloom.