Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Assorted Drabbles
He Stands Not Alone


For Elena Tiriel's birthday over at HASA.


"Now is the last chance," Mithrandir shouts. "Run for it!"

Run, or be forever entombed in darkness: we cannot get out... Aragorn has Frodo; Merry and Pippin sprint before him, Sam follows-

Something about the shape of the air behind me makes me look round: no Dwarf. There the fool stands yet as though carved from the stone of his forefather's tomb.

Doom, doom. Afterwards I do not remember choosing. I turn, run, lunge as black-mailed orcs crowd in again; I have him-

Not till we pause at the next stair's foot does he look up, panting.

"My thanks, Elf."


"The others followed; but Gimli had to be
dragged away by Legolas: in spite of the peril
he lingered by Balin's tomb with his head
bowed." FoTR, The Bridge of Khazad-Dum. Oh,
and Gandalf's opening line is a direct lift
from that chapter.