Rating:All Genre:General
Chapters: 27 Word Count: 3029
Reviews:6 Post A Review Read Latest Review
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Various drabbles (pieces of 100 words exactly, titles excluded)- mostly written for birthdays or challenges either over at the Henneth-Annun Story Archive (HASA) or the tolkienweekly community at LiveJournal...
[PF] 01:Mae Govannen
[PF] 02:Leavetakings
[PF] 03:Seasong
[PF] 04:Father to Son
[PF] 05:Olorin I was in my Youth In the West that is Forgotten
[PF] 06:Light from the Shadows
[PF] 07:There and Back Again
[PF] 08:The Professor
[PF] 09:To the White Lady, from the Steward, upon our Wedding-Day
[PF] 10:Ring a Dol Dillo
[PF] 11:He Stands Not Alone
[PF] 12:Hands of a Healer
[PF] 13:Before the Black Gate, Second Age 3434
[PF] 14:What The Lightning Said: 20th June 3018, Minas Tirith
[PF] 15:A Dawn in Winter
[PF] 16:The Council of Elrond
[PF] 17:Darkness Beneath the Boughs
[PF] 18:In Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old
[PF] 19:An Old Campaigner
[PF] 20:Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
[PF] 21:Once Upon a Time in the West
[PF] 22:Sudden Spring
[PF] 23:From a Strange Country
[PF] 24:Grace Obtained
[PF] 25:Till the World is Mended
[PF] 27:From the Balrog-Slayer's Mouth: or, Go Straight to the Source
[PF] 28:Our Days are Ending and Our Years Failing