Written (in her favourite metre, and without a T.S. Eliot reference anywhere!) to celebrate the long-awaited award of a PhD to Una (Altariel, list-founder of Henneth-Annun)
Let the celebrations swell
With every hour that passes.
Una launched a "little list" while TBT was looming:
Now the thing is done at last,
H-A goes on booming!
Faramir and Eowyn send congratulations:
Imrahil and Denethor add felicitations.
Think of the fics you'll write
Now there's no more thesis:
Men and Hobbits, Elves and Dwarves
And sundry other species.
Heed no more Examiner! Fear no nightly Viva!
Longer test than Grinding Ice; now you're a survivor!
We all knew this quest would end,
Be it late or sooner:
List Mom Emerita! Our Doctor Una!