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How To Join Henneth Annûn

How To Join:
To be an author on Tolkien Fan Fiction, you first have to be a member of the discussion group, Henneth Annûn.
To join that group, you need to be a member of

If you already are a member of you can skip the next step.

Go to
Give them your email address and password, being sure to save the password somewhere.

Join Henneth Annun: Once you are logged in, click on find or create a group, and use the search on the right hand top to find us.
Our group's name is HennethAnnun, do not put a space between the words when you search. Once you find us,
look on the front page for a blue button marked, +Join This Group.
Click it and become a member.

Select how your messages are delivered:
This group typically has quiet spells and then someone will post an intersting topic and there could a be dozen or more posts a day until it subsides.
If you want to be up to date, and don't mind a lot of e-mail, select Individual E-mail. I use a folder that collects HA in its own place.
If you want the day's messages in a single e-mail, select Daily Digest.
To receive no e-mail, select Special Notices, or No E-mail.
We would prefer Special Notices over No E-mail, so we can notify all the members in case of some important event.
JFTR: We have never done this since the group was founded in the spring of 2002,
but we would like to keep this channel open to as many members as possible, in case it is ever needed.

When you are a member of Henneth Annûn:
After you have you become a member of Henneth Annun, then you can apply for an Author account at Tolkien Fan Fiction.
Click on the link below, and fill out the form, following the instruction on that page.
The instructions are rather long; the form is at the bottom of the page.

Be sure to read the instructions about the validation number just above the form. It is required to process the application.

The application form does error checking, and will list problems with your application after you click Apply at the bottom of the form.
If there are problems, click Try Again in the box under the list of problems. That will take you back to the form to correct them.

You will need to enter a new validation number for each time you submit the form. This is to reduce spam.

Join Tolkien Fan Fiction

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