Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.

1044 Stories
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Poros Tragedy Rated:Teens
The year is 2980. In the aftermath of grand strategy, Poros has to reckon with its costs. Written largely for the Transactions challenge at Tolkien_Weekly.
Chapters:10 Words:1071 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:May 3,2012

Of Closed and Opened Doors General Rated:All
The aftermath of Faramir's retreat from Osgiliath.....with twists. Set in the Houses of Healing. COMPLETE

Over a decade ago, I set aside my love of Lord of the Rings, which was kindled in high school, in favor of researching an intriguing historical topic that I had discovered. It wasn’t a conscious decision. Honestly. Hobbies and interests naturally wax and wane. And then in January 2020 , I started having dreams t
Chapters:12 Words:15224 Reviews:0
Updated:Jan 22,2025

Marpol the Builder General Rated:All Serial
Arnor and Gondor--two long-sundered realms. What do you do first in bringing them together so they can truly be called the Reunited Realm?
Chapters:30 Words:156122 Reviews:10  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 15,2018

Night Games Romance Rated:Teens
What do bored teenagers in Rohan do with themselves at night?
Chapters:1 Words:1724 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Sep 6,2006

A Jewel of a Girl Action Rated:All
In each life, there are moments where the decision you make changes your path, and perhaps history. You may not know at the moment.

Warning: Violence.
Chapters:3 Words:5673 Reviews:6  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 10,2006

A Gift Of Remembrance General Rated:All
A mother gives her daughter a gift.
Chapters:1 Words:2011 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jun 19,2006

White Tree Lore Non Fiction Rated:All
A summary of known information on the various White Trees.
Chapters:1 Words:547 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 20,2006

Galadriel Biography General Rated:All
A synopsis of the life and times of the Lady of the Golden Wood.

This is materiel excerpted and condensed from Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-Earth; The History of Galadriel and Celeborn, and The Silmarillion; Valaquenta and Of The Rings of Power and The Third Age. I edited it into a continuous narrative and added sections of my own where the material was long and not entirely on the topic of Galadriel, or there was nothing but a Tale of the Years entry t
Chapters:1 Words:4250 Reviews:8  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jun 1,2004

The Heart of a Knight General Rated:Teens Serial
From being called a recreant to being appointed as Captain of the White Company – This story takes a look at Beregond, his family and his friends after this change in fortune, and how they experienced the Return of the King and the dawning of the New Age. WiP.

MEFAwards 2008: 3rd Place – Genres: Drama: Incomplete
Chapters:3 Words:24370 Reviews:7  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 20,2008

Isabeau's Drabbles General Rated:All
Sundry assorted drabbles, written for various challenges and as birthday prezzies.
Chapters:36 Words:18847 Reviews:65  Read Latest Review
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Updated:Jan 10,2013

Imhiriel's Drabbles Tragedy Rated:Teens Serial
Just as the title says, this is the place for my drabbles. Most were inspired by the HASA birthday-drabble prompts.
Set in various times, featuring various characters.

NEW: Home Is Behind

Chapters:64 Words:7167 Reviews:67  Read Latest Review
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Updated:Oct 31,2015

The Last Visit to Moria General Rated:Teens
A year after The War of the Ring, Gimli visits Moria one last time to fulfil one important task.
Chapters:1 Words:2137 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 4,2024

Desolate Land of Horror Drama Rated:Teens
The horrifying lands around The Black Gate, seen through the eyes of a Gondorian civilian who joined the final quest against Sauron.
Chapters:1 Words:486 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 11,2024

The Mûmak General Rated:All
The children of King Elessar are about to witness an exciting event.
Chapters:1 Words:863 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Nov 13,2015

Magical Moment Romance Rated:All
Across distance the eyes of a man meet those of a woman and the world falls away from them. Second place on August Teitho contest, theme "First Meetings".
Chapters:1 Words:674 Reviews:0
Updated:Sep 17,2012

The Princess and the Horse Lord Poetry Rated:Adult Serial
A canon-mindful AU story of love set in a time of war and its aftermath. These canon characters, Men and Elves, are often presented as stereotypically attractive, noble, and gifted. In this tale, interaction with a dramatically changed Arda reveals them to be flawed, passionate, funny, and conflicted as well.

Image Hosted by

Chapters:32 Words:123895 Reviews:15  Read Latest Review
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Updated:Mar 24,2010

Noble Jewel General Rated:Teens
A stable-boy and the Commander of the Swan Knights of Dol Amroth find that they have something in common.....

Mithril Awards, 2005:
Winner-Best Characterizaton/Original Character
Runner-Up-Best Story Concerning Men
MEFAs, 2005:
2nd Place, Races: Gondor: Original Characters

Chapters:6 Words:25045 Reviews:12  Read Latest Review
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Updated:Jul 3,2004

Serving Gondor Action Rated:All
A widow from southern Lebennin has come to the White City after being dispossessed by her brother of her home and livelihood. Can she again find a place and purpose? Can she find justice?
Chapters:6 Words:37614 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Sep 24,2017

In Memoriam General Rated:All
Faramir, ten years after Boromir's death (following on from Dwimordene's story In Extremis, Isabeau's story Discovery and my Disclosure).
Chapters:1 Words:2003 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Dec 11,2005

Where the Stars are F***ing Strange Humor Rated:Adults Graphic
Plucked like a fish out of water, you try to make the best out of a bad situation in Bree. Then, one day, this Hozier-looking dude showed up at The Pony.

Aragorn/OC; gender neutral OC; 25th Gray Companion; Copious references to The Princess Bride; fish out of water; friends to lovers, slow burn.
Warnings: Tolkien levels of violence and xenophobia; sexualized violence; alcohol use; so so much swearing; feral chickens
Chapters:26 Words:129461 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 17,2022
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