Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.

1044 Stories
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Upheaval General Rated:All
A story of Adoption. For Dwimordene.
Chapters:1 Words:2032 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 28,2011

Fences and Dreams General Rated:All
As the King considers means by which Arnor might be rid of the wights that haunt Tyrn Gorthad, he finds advice from Tom Bombadil and aid from unexpected sources. Perhaps not banishment, but....
Chapters:1 Words:3703 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 4,2011

Once Upon a Midsummer's Morn Erotica Rated:Teens
The Fairy ancestress of Pippin and Diamond Took plays a part in bringing them together. Written for the "Midsummer Night's Dream" challenge at LotR Community.
Chapters:1 Words:7327 Reviews:0
Updated:Jul 5,2011

Needle-Point Poetry Rated:All
It's a long ride back to Edoras.
Chapters:5 Words:5477 Reviews:5  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 8,2011

The Tower of the Cunning Mind General Rated:Teens
Once he was granted the tower of Orthanc as a dwelling, Saruman found his life taking a decided turn. But was it indeed for the better as he thought it?

Written for the Tolkien Weekly Hairdressing Challenge. For Rhapsody the Bard and Linaewen for their birthdays.
Chapters:9 Words:954 Reviews:0
Updated:Aug 12,2011

Petal Tragedy Rated:Teens
Drabbles and ficlets featuring the Fairy ancestress of the Tooks, who appears in "Once Upon a Midsummer's Morn." Characters who will appear in it will be added as they do so.....
Chapters:52 Words:16972 Reviews:0
Updated:Mar 9,2012

Journey out of Darkness General Rated:Teens Serial
Sequel to "Light from the West." Through Frodo's intercession, his eldest stepson Greenjade, formerly known as Darkfin, was released from the Halls of Mandos as a mortal man...together with Sméagol, formerly known as Gollum. They were sent on a mission to Mordor, in the company of a certain Wizard.....
Chapters:60 Words:199842 Reviews:0
Updated:Aug 12,2011

The Sturdy Prince General Rated:Adult
Prince Imrahil – Who was he? What shaped him into the fearless man he was during the Great War? What did he achieve? This is Imrahil's life as the handsome, courageous prince, who was a thorn in the enemy's side and the man who won a woman's heart.
Chapters:5 Words:19740 Reviews:0
Updated:Jan 20,2012

Five Things That Never Happened to the Steward and His Sons General Rated:All
A Drabble series that looks at five pivotal scenarios that could have altered everything. AU. For Dwimordene.
Chapters:1 Words:545 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:May 25,2011

Fighting Dragons Action Rated:Teens
Drabble pairs in which Samwise Gamgee ponders the dangerous beasts he learns of from Mr. Bilbo's stories, both pre-quest and after he's actually encountered them. Inspired by the Tolkien Weekly "Fell Beasts" challenges. Beta by RiverOtter.
Chapters:7 Words:1480 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jun 7,2011

Hard Lessons Action Rated:All
Written in response to the "Defiance" prompt from B2MeM. "Some years ago the Lord of the Black Land wished to purchase horses from us at a great price, but we refused him... Then he sent plundering Orcs, and they carry off what they can, choosing always the black horses: few of these are now left."
Chapters:1 Words:2564 Reviews:0
Updated:May 27,2011

Missing the Forest for the Trees General Rated:All
Written for the "Dangers of Isolation" prompt during B2MeM 2011.
Chapters:1 Words:625 Reviews:0
Updated:May 31,2011

The Space Where Morning and Twilight Meet General Rated:All
Written in response to the "Overcoming Prejudice" prompt from B2MeM 2011. Celeborn and Artanis, and an age-long prejudice.
Chapters:1 Words:2175 Reviews:0
Updated:May 31,2011

Love is a Dance General Rated:Teens
One-shot. A scene in which Eomer begins to notice Lothiriel. Set in Eomer's perspective; his wants and desires. Book-verse. POST-WOTR.
Chapters:1 Words:1000 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 10,2011

The Potter's Wheel General Rated:Teens Serial
Drabbles written for the LiveJournal tolkien_weekly "Potter's Wheel" challenge. Snapshots of battle and its aftermath during the War of the Ring.
Chapters:5 Words:524 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 10,2011

Season of Gifts Tragedy Rated:All Serial
Drabbles written for the LiveJournal tolkien_weekly "Season of Gifts" challenge.
Chapters:5 Words:516 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 10,2011

Bright Star General Rated:Teens
One-shot. Eomer meets his son for the first time after the birth and contemplates how blessed his life has become. Also gives an insight into the love he bears for Lothiriel - his queen. Set in Eomer's perspective.
Chapters:1 Words:413 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 15,2011

On a Stormy Night Action Rated:All
While looking for a shelter on a stormy night, during a hunting trip, Aragorn and Faramir stumble upon a family in a dire need of help. Written for May Teitho contest: "Names". 2011 MEFA Third Place in Drama: Featuring Aragorn.
Chapters:1 Words:3159 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 17,2011

In the Name of the King General Rated:All
Inspired by the fan movie "Born of Hope". In the last moments of his life, Halbarad remembers a day long ago and his vision about Aragorn. 2011 MEFA Second Place in Ficlet: General.
Chapters:1 Words:843 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 20,2011

Places in the Heart General Rated:All
A new map of Middle-earth inspires new possibilities in a world free of Shadow, and track different visions in the hearts of the Steward and the King. Complete.
Chapters:1 Words:1349 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jun 21,2011
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