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| Two Small Pieces of Glass General Rated:All Author:Ellynn One day, while working in her studio, an elleth discovers something extraordinary and invents one very special device. Chapters:1 Words:1466 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:Feb 15,2012 Lost in Translation Erotica Rated:All Author:Azalais Over at tolkien_weekly on LiveJournal, a drabble of mine about Bilbo's arrival in Rivendell prompted the brilliant comment from Dreamflower that "My own headcanon is that the "Tra-la-lally" was Bilbo's misinterpretation of whatever the Elves were actually singing in Sindarin (which he would not have known at the time) so he just made up words to fit what he thought he was hearing." Since the "Tra-la-la-lally" song from The Hobbit has always driven me round the bend, this suggestion was not only sanit Chapters:1 Words:742 Reviews:0 Updated:Feb 16,2012 Challenges General Rated:All Author:Linda Hoyland A series of drabbles and ficlets written for the LOTR GFIC Challenge Group. Chapters:8 Words:5306 Reviews:0 Updated:Oct 1,2014 Catastrope Action Rated:Teens Serial Author:Linda Hoyland When a wild beast invades Ithilien, Aragorn tries to help Faramir and Éowyn with disastrous consequences. Chapters:4 Words:8877 Reviews:0 Updated:May 24,2012 Return to Middle-earth General Rated:Teens Author:Linda Hoyland A series of drabbles and ficlets written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011. Chapters:18 Words:4387 Reviews:0 Updated:Jun 7,2012 B2MeM 2012 General Rated:All Author:Starlight Gathering place for my B2MeM stories. I am bad at gathering them all at the end of the month, so getting an early start this year... Chapters:33 Words:8602 Reviews:0 Updated:Mar 19,2012 B2MeM 2012 stories General Rated:Teens Author:Dwimordene Bingo! Entries for the Bingo Baggins 2012 game. All stories now posted, unless I finish out a few others. Chapters:25 Words:15423 Reviews:3 Read Latest Review Updated:Apr 1,2012 B2MeM 2012 (Mostly) Drabbles General Rated:All Author:Altariel Drabbles written for the B2MeM Bingo Challenge. Chapters:43 Words:4412 Reviews:0 Updated:Apr 18,2012 Through the Eyes of Maia and Wizard General Rated:All Author:Larner Gandalf-centric stories, begun to hold those tales generated by the prompts for the 2012 Back to Middle Earth Month Challenges. Chapters:20 Words:26887 Reviews:0 Updated:Mar 29,2014 Dribble drabble scrabble General Rated:All Serial Author:Dwimordene A home for those Tolkien Weekly drabbles that don't form a continuous series. Props to US3's Cantaloop lyrics for suggesting the title. Blessing challenge entries, a.k.a. Halbarad Lives! AU series uploaded. Chapters:11 Words:2856 Reviews:2 Read Latest Review Updated:Jan 24,2013 The Airts Tales General Rated:All Serial Author:Barrabard Inspired by the Four Elements Challenge on the SWG site, this is the first of five linked stories. (And yes, I know it wasn't a recent challenge, but Life interfered until now; many thanks to Mike for helping me resolve some computer issues, and to RiverOtter for the beta!) I’m posting it here and not there because it really isn’t Silmfic, and because it’s related to my novel, Tree & Stone. “O’ All the Airts” is a famous poem by Robert Burns, the first of the three greatest Scottish writers.”A Chapters:2 Words:15997 Reviews:0 Updated:Mar 17,2013 Forging for Protection and Defense Action Rated:Teens Author:Larner He studied in Tirion in the forges of Mahtan and Lord Aule himself, but followed his chosen lord to Middle Earth to find his destiny. Perhaps his most memorable achievements were the forging of a particular suit of armor, and his advice, supervision, and participation in the reforging of a famous blade created by a greater smith than he was himself. Was it worthwhile? Can he ever look to accept forgiveness for his part in the rebellion of the Noldor? Inspired by the armor worn by Elend Chapters:7 Words:10103 Reviews:0 Updated:Jun 12,2012 Holdfast General Rated:All Serial Author:Barrabard Occasional stories about one character from Tree & Stone. Thanks to RiverOtter for asking questions about Rill. Chapters:1 Words:4150 Reviews:0 Updated:Jun 5,2012 Lessons for a Young Hobbit General Rated:All Author:Larner Frodo Baggins, newly returned to Hobbiton as Bilbo's ward, begins a new set of lessons designed to prepare him for life as Bilbo's intended heir and successor. An Advent Calendar series for 2011. Chapters:22 Words:2515 Reviews:0 Updated:Dec 22,2011 Other Things General Rated:All Author:Wheelrider Boromir's dream is different. Chapters:1 Words:1063 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:Jan 26,2012 The Annals of Angmar General Rated:Teens Author:Aliana "High she was, and fair." A quasi-AU love story, and an exercise in revisionist history. Chapters:1 Words:1319 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:Jan 31,2012 A Festival of Lights General Rated:Teens Author:Larner Light has always been a part of Ëa. A cycle in honor of Hannukah. Chapters:8 Words:6151 Reviews:0 Updated:Jan 21,2012 Tell All the Wild and Fearful Things General Rated:Teens Author:Dwimordene They were the Keepers of the Kingdom - and they were anything but ready. A night on the front with Arthedain's first line defenders. Chapters:1 Words:6200 Reviews:0 Updated:Dec 23,2011 Strange Fire Action Rated:Teens Author:Dwimordene Melkor meets humanity - a theological romance with Haradrim. Chapters:1 Words:942 Reviews:0 Updated:Dec 23,2011 In A Different Light Action Rated:Teens Serial Author:Dwimordene March, 3020. On loving the enemy among friends and family. Chapters:1 Words:1091 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:Dec 29,2011 |
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