Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.

1044 Stories
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For Want of Roses Action Rated:Teens
May 3021. Imrahil enters incautiously into a delicate matter... Story in the Best-Loved Sons arc: Pre-Passages. Features Imrahil, Andrahar, Brand, Esteven.
Chapters:1 Words:8206 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 23,2010

The Good Earth General Rated:All
Author:Linda Hoyland
A series of drabbles written for "Tolkien Weekly"
Chapters:1 Words:748 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 26,2010

The Omen Action Rated:Teens
Standing on Taniquetil, Varda and Manwë see an ill omen in the sky. Written for LJ LotR Community October challenge: Believe it or not (story should contain something supernatural or unbelievable). 2011 MEFA Nominee.
Chapters:1 Words:633 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 26,2010

Where no Birds Sing General Rated:Teens
Author:Linda Hoyland
When Roheryn goes lame, Aragorn and Faramir are stranded in a storm
and forced to seek shelter. A story for Halloween.
Chapters:1 Words:3090 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 31,2010

Hidden in the Mountain Action Rated:Teens
The White Tree of Gondor–long has it stood as a symbol of hope and continuity; but when days darken and the succession of Kingship falters, can it still somehow give hope beyond the end of its days?
Chapters:1 Words:2096 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Nov 3,2010

Touch of a Vanished Hand Action Rated:Teens
When Elendil and his group of Númenóreans wash up on Lindon's shores, Elrond's past comes back to haunt him.

First place winner: 2010 MEFAs in Times: Second and Early Third Age
Chapters:1 Words:8508 Reviews:0
Updated:Nov 15,2010

The Potter's Shed Erotica Rated:All
A series of true drabbles involving young Pippin learning about the crafting of pottery from a great aunt. Written for the Tolkien Weekly challenges based on terms used in pottery. For SugarAnnie for her birthday. Beta by RiverOtter.
Chapters:10 Words:1044 Reviews:0
Updated:Jan 2,2011

Into the Realms of Ulmo Action Rated:All
Every prophet has his call, however strange it be. Tuor enters the realms of Ulmo.
Chapters:1 Words:1915 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Nov 24,2010

Amid the Powers and Chances of the World Poetry Rated:Teens
"Men..should have a virtue to shape their lives, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else" (Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter 1). A mortal woman is brought to Rivendell for healing in the summer of 3018, and thus becomes entangled with both Men and Elves in the events of the War of the Ring. How will destiny and choice shape the lives of the two Kindreds?

This novel-length story travels from Rohan via Rivendell to Gondor and back again, t
Chapters:51 Words:181713 Reviews:5  Read Latest Review
Updated:Feb 26,2011

Estel Counts General Rated:All
Young Estel of Imladris counts his blessings. An Advent Calendar for 2010. Thanks to RiverOtter for the beta.
Chapters:25 Words:3042 Reviews:7  Read Latest Review
Updated:Dec 26,2010

Pelargir General Rated:Teens
In the tradition of 'we have met the enemy, and they are us', as the Corsairs sail ever nearer, Pelargir struggles not to implode before ever they arrive. Drabble series written using prompts from Tolkien_Weekly as a kind of Advent Calendar. Complete!
Chapters:30 Words:4323 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Dec 25,2010

For our People Action Rated:Teens
Aragorn takes something that gives him both fulfilment and loss. Third place Teitho November 2010: Finders, keepers. 2011 MEFA Nominee.
Chapters:1 Words:1046 Reviews:0
Updated:Dec 16,2010

Tongues of Men and Angels General Rated:Teens
Author:Linda Hoyland
Attempts to forge better relations with Harad cause problems for Aragorn and Faramir.
Chapters:1 Words:5609 Reviews:0
Updated:Jul 16,2010

The Battle of the Kitchen General Rated:Teens
Peace does not always reign below stairs, as Faramir learns one night in the early Fourth Age. Story is complete.
Chapters:1 Words:1753 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Aug 20,2010

Tree and Stone General Rated:Teens Serial
Middle-Earth belongs to JRR Tolkien; he just didn't write enough about it!

There was another Dwarf in Gondor during the waning days of the Ring War, and he was the only one of his Kindred in the White City during the siege, where he met a woman whose roots were in Ithilien.
Chapters:40 Words:195346 Reviews:6  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 3,2018

Withered Tree General Rated:All
A penny for the Old Guy...

An e-book of this story is available (.mobi and .epub formats). See here.
Chapters:10 Words:16426 Reviews:4  Read Latest Review
Updated:Sep 8,2010

Hungry Eyes and a Blade of Steel Drama Rated:Adults Graphic
Summary: Returning home unexpected on a rainy night, Éowyn gets an eyeful of the one thing she would have never imagined. Jealousy, hurt, curiosity or lust—which will have a top say in her?

Written for the 6th Anniversary Challenge: Éowyn by iris.
Original challenge can be seen here:

Warnings: slash and het content, very explicit action, some obscene talk.
Disclaimer: Not mine (although I’m not ent
Chapters:7 Words:15482 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jun 24,2011

Oxygen Poetry Rated:Adults Graphic
Summary: It all starts when things begin to go wrong for Boromir on his journey with the Fellowship. Faramir comes to his weary mind, of course – but do memories of the past have power to change the present?

Pairings: Faramir/Boromir, Faramir/Aragorn

Written for Midsummer Swap 2010 at FaramirFiction.

Warnings: Slash, AU, sibcest, mild angst, mild fluff and very explicit slash.
Chapters:6 Words:35987 Reviews:0
Updated:Sep 15,2010

After a Lifetime Action Rated:Adults Graphic
WIP. When it all began, you simply took a blind dive into the unknown. But would have you offered your love to the one you worship, had you known the price he would have to pay for loving you back? Would you trust yourself to know between right and wrong? If you could see the hopeless end of your journey, would you still take the road? And when all was over, would you be blind to see a new road lying at your feet? Would you dare follow it? Would you, Faramir?
Chapters:7 Words:42558 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 24,2011

Halbarad's Last Journey Action Rated:Teens
A year after the War of the Ring, Aragorn fulfills Halbarad's last wish. Written for Teitho August contest: Journeys. 2011 MEFA Nominee.
Chapters:1 Words:4162 Reviews:0
Updated:Sep 22,2010
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