Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.

1044 Stories
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Let There Be Light Action Rated:All
The story of the standard Arwen wove for Aragorn, and its journey with Halbarad from Rivendell to Minas Tirith. Ten true drabbles originally written for the LiveJournal tolkien_weekly "Let There Be Light" challenge prompts.
Chapters:10 Words:1068 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 5,2012

Maitimo's Awakening General Rated:All
Maedhros wakes up after Finrod has rescued him from Thangorodrim. But whom does he have to face?
Chapters:1 Words:4338 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 8,2012

The Next Forty Years General Rated:Teens
A birthday present for Altariel. The Black Swan of Dol Amroth is having a little difficulty dealing with a landmark anniversary. His wife and blood brother join forces to help.
Chapters:1 Words:2868 Reviews:5  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 16,2012

Murder Most Foul General Rated:Teens
Faced with a restrained plea from a woman of Anórien to send someone to investigate the trial that has left her son condemned to hang and two other youths to spend the remainder of their lives in hard labor, the new King of Gondor sends a deputation to investigate the murders of three small boys to find out just how many lives were destroyed two days before Midsummer the preceding year. Written for the Big Bang Challenge.
Chapters:29 Words:206175 Reviews:0
Updated:Sep 17,2011

Gaergath, Son of Sauron Action Rated:Teens
A sequel to "Woman of the Secret Shadow," taking up where that one left off, the tale of Gaergath's quest to avenge his mother.
Chapters:32 Words:61408 Reviews:0
Updated:Aug 30,2011

To Show His Quality Action Rated:Teens
Six drabbles centred on Faramir during and after the Ring War: originally written for the Livejournal tolkien_weekly "Summer Sports" challenge.
Chapters:6 Words:631 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Aug 17,2011

Five Moves that Denethor and Faramir Never Made General Rated:All
A drabble series.
Chapters:1 Words:525 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Aug 29,2011

Love Among the Ruins General Rated:All
Meanwhile, in the Houses of Healing...
Chapters:1 Words:1492 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Aug 30,2011

A Portrait of the Artist Poetry Rated:Teens
After seeing a portrait painted by Elanor Gamgee at his grandfather's home, Fastred Fairbairn is seized with a desire to meet her.
Chapters:1 Words:6476 Reviews:0
Updated:Sep 16,2011

Old Soldiers General Rated:All
Chess, cousins, and children. Amrothos and Faramir play a game or two.
Chapters:1 Words:3287 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Sep 29,2011

Rainbow General Rated:All
In the summer after Sauron's fall, Aragorn watches the rainbow and reminisces. Series of eight drabbles. Third place Teitho September 2011: Colours of Middle-earth.
Chapters:1 Words:822 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 16,2011

Larksong and Morningstar General Rated:Teens
A pregnant Goldberry gets a visit from her two younger sisters, who bring disturbing news.
Chapters:1 Words:3963 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 17,2011

Crowning Glory General Rated:Teens
Author:Linda Hoyland
A series of drabbles written for the "Tolkien Weekly" "Hairdressing" challenge.
Chapters:1 Words:1057 Reviews:0
Updated:Nov 18,2011

Allegiance General Rated:Teens
Valacar, King Romendacil's son, has just made an alliance with the North-men that puts in peril the realm his forefathers have long fought to hold. Politics during a vulnerable period of Gondor's history.
Chapters:1 Words:3655 Reviews:0
Updated:Nov 16,2011

Bitter Duty General Rated:All
Faramir contemplates the nature of obedience as he writes a report for his father, after speeding the Ringbearer on his quest to Mordor. First written for B2MeM 2009.
Chapters:1 Words:863 Reviews:0
Updated:Nov 16,2011

What If? Poetry Rated:Adults Graphic
Prince Imrahil's decision causes a change of events in the land of Rohan. A love story set during the great war, surrounded by friendship, hate, jealousy, and ending with the bitterness of revenge. A story that was never meant to be. This is not the ordinary LOTR fanfiction you read everyday. It is quite different with many plots, twists, romances, hate, jealousy, with the story ending in a remarkable form of revenge.
Chapters:12 Words:43240 Reviews:0
Updated:Jan 8,2012

Grey Pilgrim, White Rider Action Rated:All
Six drabbles centring on Gandalf, written for the "Hairdressing" challenge prompts at LiveJournal's tolkien_weekly drabble community. (And yes, I did interpret the prompts somewhat laterally...)
Chapters:6 Words:644 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 3,2011

The Gifts in Small Packages Poetry Rated:Adult
WIP. Pippin will never speak of it. And then he does.
Chapters:4 Words:4155 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 24,2011

West of the Moon, East of the Sun General Rated:Teens Serial
Sequel to "Light from the West"--the story of the reunion of Sam and Frodo. Yes, it's been done before, but my take is different.;)
Chapters:24 Words:62073 Reviews:0
Updated:Jul 11,2011

The Seven Deadly Sins Tragedy Rated:All
Author:Linda Hoyland
A series of drabbles written for the "Tolkien Weekly" "Sins" Challenge.
Chapters:1 Words:1039 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 27,2011
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