Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.

1043 Stories
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By Sunlight and Moonlight Action Rated:Adult Serial
Glorfindel wishes to know more about the elusive advisor to Elrond, Erestor, and in so doing gets caught up in his story and his curse.
Chapters:1 Words:1452 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 31,2004

Five Things That Never Happened to Faramir and Éowyn General Rated:All
Five things that never happened to Faramir and Éowyn; a drabble series.
Chapters:1 Words:504 Reviews:5  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 21,2004

Bonding Night General Rated:All
Eomer introduces his newborn son to someone very important.
Chapters:1 Words:924 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 15,2004

For Eyes to See as Can General Rated:Teens
Frodo Baggins as seen through the eyes of Sam Gamgee, switching at the end to the POV of the King Elessar. Dealing with the Ring and its legacy.

No slash. Deliberate angst. Mostly book canon.
Chapters:28 Words:80219 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 17,2004

Matters in Hand Drama Rated:Adult
Glorfindel takes matters into his own hands when he is tempted by thoughts of the one he loves.
Chapters:1 Words:892 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 22,2004

Another Matter Drama Rated:Adult
Erestor discovers he has a matter of importance to share with Gloefindel.
Chapters:1 Words:1276 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 22,2004

The End of the Matter Drama Rated:Adult
Erestor and Glorfindel finally resolve the mater between them to their satisfaction.
Chapters:1 Words:1441 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 23,2004

For the Love of the King General Rated:Adult
The new King is crowned and a promise is made by one of his closest friends.
Chapters:1 Words:2208 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 23,2004

From Fangorn Forest to Helm's Deep Non Fiction Rated:All
The trees of Fangorn experience a vision when the Three Hunters enter the forest.

Gathering of the Fellowship Writing Awards, 2003, 2nd Place Lyric Poetry
Chapters:1 Words:238 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 26,2004

Marriage of Souls Poetry Rated:All
EOMER of Rohan is now King of the Riddermark, and he must make a very special decision. Will he follow his heart, or must duty dictate his choice? (NO slash) COMPLETE.
(Repost of a 2003 story.)
Chapters:1 Words:1283 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 24,2004

Weeping Iron Tears Action Rated:All
Aragorn remembers his kinsman Halbarad, who fell in battle upon the Pelannor Field. Semi-companion to "Among the Fields of Green." (Vignette)
(Repost of early 2004 story.)
Chapters:1 Words:531 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 24,2004

Among The Fields of Green Action Rated:All
Elfhelm of Rohan remembers the death of Theodred, son of Theoden at the battle for the Fords of Isen. Semi-companion to "Weeping Iron Tears." (Vignette.)
(Repost of early 2004 story)
Chapters:1 Words:534 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 24,2004

Dropping Eaves General Rated:All
Sam's first meeting with Gandalf
Chapters:1 Words:1498 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 24,2004

Old Angband Erotica Rated:Teens
Say what you will about him, at the end of the day, Morgoth has been a busy little worker-bee. Doesn't the first Dark Lord deserve a drinking song as much as the next guy? Written for the HASA "I'll Drink To That" challenge.
Chapters:1 Words:190 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 11,2004

Dreadwing General Rated:Adult
The Black Captain goes for a midnight ride.

Rated R for violence and foul language. Hamster lovers may be offended.
Chapters:1 Words:1204 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 11,2004

King of the Mark Poetry Rated:Teens
King Eomer has to deliver a herd of horses and a feisty princess to Minas Tirith. Oh, and there's someone trying to kill him. It's all in a day's work for the King of the Mark.
Chapters:14 Words:23345 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 12,2004

Immortal Friends General Rated:Adult
The friendship between Legolas and Tathar, (OMC)remained strong throughout the Third Age despite the many trials that confronted the Mirkwood Elves.
Chapters:35 Words:81296 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 12,2004

In the Caverns Action Rated:All
A woman of Rohan ponders birth and death beneath Helm's Deep.
Chapters:1 Words:881 Reviews:4  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 12,2004

Lost and Found Action Rated:Teens
The sea calls to Legolas and when he can not be found, Gimli, Aragorn and Thranduil form a most unusual search party.
Chapters:6 Words:13833 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Oct 12,2004

Lust for Lunch Drama Rated:Adult
Erestor and Glorfindel take a delicious break from the Council meeting.

WARNING: A short piece of slash and PWP.
Chapters:1 Words:1619 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 12,2004
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