Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.
Author Profile
Pen Name:Fëadan
Joined:Jun 1,2004

Bio: I'm a long time Tolkien fan. Somehow I stumbled across Henneth Annûn. A few years later, I am it's leader, and have built them a story archive. Funny how things work out.


Elf Magic
General Rated:All
An explanation of how magical devices work.

I made it all up, but it is Canon friendly.
Updated:Mar 16,2009 Chapters:1 Words:3641 Reviews: 4

A Jewel of a Girl
Action Rated:All
In each life, there are moments where the decision you make changes your path, and perhaps history. You may not know at the moment.

Warning: Violence.
Updated:Oct 10,2006 Chapters:3 Words:5673 Reviews: 6

Night Games
Romance Rated:Teens
What do bored teenagers in Rohan do with themselves at night?
Updated:Sep 6,2006 Chapters:1 Words:1724 Reviews: 1

White Tree Lore
Non Fiction Rated:All
A summary of known information on the various White Trees.
Updated:Jul 20,2006 Chapters:1 Words:547 Reviews: 3

A Gift Of Remembrance
General Rated:All
A mother gives her daughter a gift.
Updated:Jun 19,2006 Chapters:1 Words:2011 Reviews: 2

General Rated:Adult
The Black Captain goes for a midnight ride.

Rated R for violence and foul language. Hamster lovers may be offended.
Updated:Oct 11,2004 Chapters:1 Words:1204 Reviews: 0

Raising The Standard
General Rated:All
Morning at a ranger camp in the Northern wilderness.
Updated:Jul 2,2004 Chapters:1 Words:576 Reviews: 5

Galadriel Biography
General Rated:All
A synopsis of the life and times of the Lady of the Golden Wood.

This is materiel excerpted and condensed from Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-Earth; The History of Galadriel and Celeborn, and The Silmarillion; Valaquenta and Of The Rings of Power and The Third Age. I edited it into a continuous narrative and added sections of my own where the material was long and not entirely on the topic of Galadriel, or there was nothing but a Tale of the Years entry to use.
Updated:Jun 1,2004 Chapters:1 Words:4250 Reviews: 8

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