Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.

1044 Stories
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Empty Heart Poetry Rated:All
Love brings joy, but it can also break one's heart. Written for February Teitho theme: Heart Break. 2011 MEFA Third Place in Ficlet: Later Age Elves.
Chapters:1 Words:863 Reviews:0
Updated:Apr 2,2011

Five Things that Faramir Never Said to Andrahar General Rated:All
Sometimes words are hard to find.
Chapters:1 Words:546 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Apr 3,2011

The Use of Memory General Rated:All
Memory is not what the heart desires. Faramir and Arwen.
Chapters:1 Words:607 Reviews:4  Read Latest Review
Updated:Apr 6,2011

The Green Grave Romance Rated:Teens
"...she [Arwen] laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed..."
But who made Arwen's grave in empty, desolate Lothlorien? Someone very sympathetic watched over her...
2011 MEFA Second Place in Ficlet: Later Age Elves.
Chapters:1 Words:965 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Apr 7,2011

Weaving Dreams Poetry Rated:All
Once Pearl Took looked to marry Frodo Baggins, and her mother was overjoyed at the prospect.

A drabble series inspired by the Tolkien Weekly "Tangled Web" challenges.
Chapters:7 Words:741 Reviews:0
Updated:May 13,2011

Shadows of Memory General Rated:Teens Serial
Author:Linda Hoyland
Injured and believing himself in great danger, Aragorn seeks to flee
for his life. Escape, however proves impossible.
Chapters:5 Words:9129 Reviews:0
Updated:Apr 14,2011

An Unexpected Party General Rated:All
An eleventy-first birthday tribute to Professor J. R. R. Tolkien. Waking from a doze in the snug of his favourite Oxford pub, the Professor finds he has been joined unexpectedly by a few old friends...
Chapters:1 Words:2225 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Feb 15,2011

Anemone Poetry Rated:Teens
In the Blessed Realm, Frodo meets a mysterious and enchanting small creature from the sea. Could this be true love at last?:)
Chapters:9 Words:17086 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 19,2011

Bear Me Away! General Rated:Teens
How Frodo and Bilbo found happiness and peace in the Blessed Realm. A prequel to "Anemone". Stories can be read in either order.
Chapters:12 Words:45036 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 20,2011

Heavenly Dance Poetry Rated:All
After long months of loneliness and separation, Tilion will finally be close to his beloved Arien for a few moments. 2011 MEFA Nominee.
Chapters:1 Words:847 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 25,2011

Chiseled in Stone General Rated:Teens
AU: An elvish sculptor deals will his own sorrow while creating the most difficult artwork of his life.....
Chapters:4 Words:11426 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 27,2011

Chili With a Chance of Mushrooms Erotica Rated:All
In which Frodo participates in a most unusual competition. A remix of "The Cook-off" by Larner. Written for the LOTR GFIC Community's 2010 Remix Challenge.
Chapters:1 Words:2684 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 27,2011

Long Lost Dreams General Rated:All
Sam's sisters, Daisy and May, develop a crush on a certain newcomer. Guess whose help they enlist? From a Shirebound plotbunny.=:3
Chapters:1 Words:1483 Reviews:0
Updated:Mar 3,2011

B2MEM 2011 fics Tragedy Rated:Teens Serial
Drabbles for B2MEM 2011, however many there end up being. Latest posts: Day 26 - frustration of creativity - Man's measure; Day 30 - leaving/returning home - Havenless; Day 29 - light overcomes darkness - Life from stone
Chapters:28 Words:3156 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Mar 31,2011

Weregild General Rated:All
Written for B2MeM 2011:

The Day Two challenge (Losgar):
Defiance is defined as the willingness to contend or fight. Write a story or poem or create artwork where the characters defy authority in some way.

MEFAs 2011:

2nd Place, Men: Faramir
Smaug's Treasure

Chapters:1 Words:3499 Reviews:4  Read Latest Review
Updated:Mar 5,2011

Elanor's Yuletide General Rated:All
A homesick Elanor Gamgee anticipates the season of Yule at Minas Tirith. Written for the LOTR Community Challenge Yule Fic Exchange.
Chapters:1 Words:6359 Reviews:0
Updated:Mar 7,2011

The Dove General Rated:All
Short sequel to "Chiseled in Stone." Mikala meets a stranger with a troubled past beside the Monument.
Chapters:1 Words:3396 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Mar 12,2011

Father's Promises General Rated:All
One day, little Eldarion asks Aragorn about his grandmothers and grandfathers.
Chapters:1 Words:2341 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 9,2011

The Web of the World Action Rated:All
"Vairë the Weaver [...] weaves all things that have ever been in Time into her storied webs [...]" - "Valaquenta", Silmarillion

It is hard to love the world that is. Nevertheless, someone has to do it...
Chapters:1 Words:363 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 12,2011

Drop of a Hat General Rated:All
Pippin notices something about Gandalf the White: something is missing! What could it be??? :D Original idea from Shirebound. Both book and movie based.
Chapters:4 Words:13228 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 14,2011
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