Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.

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Recognition Action Rated:All
It is long since he has had commerce with his own people. Can he now think to look upon the children of his remaining fosterling and yet escape notice?
Chapters:1 Words:5962 Reviews:0
Updated:May 7,2013

Atalantë Action Rated:Teens
Always read between the lines.

Aldarion, the Guild of Venturers, Haradrim, Enedrim, Drughu, political economy
Chapters:2 Words:4818 Reviews:0
Updated:May 14,2013

And End Not In Grief or Anger General Rated:All Serial
The end of the affair. Halbarad, Eledhril, with Thorondis playing a necessary background role.

(This will make much more sense if you have read Semper Fidelis, Triage, and my T_W Blessings challenge drabbles (AU - Halbarad lives).)
Chapters:1 Words:608 Reviews:0
Updated:May 16,2013

The Last Whose Realm Was Fair And Free General Rated:Teens
Gil-galad was an Elven King. We all know what this means, right?

Political economy does Second Age Elven (and other) kingdoms. Features Gil-galad, Galadriel, Celeborn, Celebrimbor, and Aldarion, primarily.
Chapters:1 Words:3079 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:May 30,2013

Strength Through Tears General Rated:All
Tears can help a person find healing, but only if they allow the tears to fall.
Chapters:1 Words:553 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 25,2013

Whether Exodus General Rated:Teens
On the endings that make and break us. Elenwë comes at last to Middle-earth.
Chapters:1 Words:6585 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 3,2013

Rose's Courtship General Rated:All
Written for the February 2013 HASA Nazgul of the Month Courtship Challenge. Two young people meet in the aftermath of war. A House of Ornamir/House of Hammer & Forge tale.
Chapters:1 Words:2137 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Feb 14,2013

The Lost Jewel General Rated:All
While the Fellowship is traveling through Hollin, Legolas is overcome by old memories. Can his loyal friends transgress the bounds of time to draw him back to them?
Chapters:1 Words:8523 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 17,2013

The Golden Rule Tragedy Rated:All Serial
All that glitters is not gold, or how to win friends and coopt people. Six drabbles on the state of the Kingdom Under the Mountain.
Chapters:1 Words:647 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Feb 13,2013

Lingur General Rated:All
Ok, before I say anything else, let me explain about the title. IT IS NOT A TYPO!! It means "Heart Song" or "Song of the Heart" in Sindarin.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, on to the description!
Written for the 2013 Nuzgul of the Month Courtship challenge on HASA. A Second Age story of young love and the winning of hearts. WiP
Update 3/16/13: Two new chapters up!!
Chapters:4 Words:3547 Reviews:0
Updated:Mar 16,2013

Lily's Patron General Rated:All
A sequal to "Rose's Courtship," another House of Ornamir/House of Hammer & Forge story.
Chapters:1 Words:4678 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 20,2013

A Bird in the Hand Action Rated:Teens
In the Fourth Age, Gondor grapples with the legacy of Numenor that was. (Old story, substantially edited and posted here for the first time.)
Chapters:1 Words:2596 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 25,2013

That Which They Defend Erotica Rated:All
"Isildur gave this counsel to Meneldil, that the King should visit the hallow from time to time, and especially when he felt the need of wisdom in days of danger or distress; and thither also he should bring his heir, when he was full-grown to manhood, and tell him of the making of the hallow, and reveal to him the secrets of the realm and other matters that he should know." Faramir tries to follow an ancient custom, with some difficulty.
Chapters:1 Words:1601 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Mar 6,2013

The Days of the King Erotica Rated:All
"Behold the king!" Faramir's perspective on Aragorn's coronation.
Chapters:1 Words:1303 Reviews:0
Updated:Mar 6,2013

Finding Silver General Rated:All
A youth in Minas Tirith finds his path.A sequel to "Lily's Patron," so the 3rd House of Ornamir/House of Hammer & Forge story.
Chapters:1 Words:4804 Reviews:0
Updated:Mar 17,2013

The King Has Come Unto His Hall Action Rated:Teens
After the Battle of the Five Armies, Bilbo and Gloin consider legend's due.
Chapters:1 Words:2017 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Mar 10,2013

Fire and Smoke General Rated:All
A group of friends, enjoying the outdoors, on a sunny afternoon. What could possibly go wrong?
Chapters:1 Words:1674 Reviews:0
Updated:Dec 11,2012

Grieving General Rated:All
While mourning Gandalf, the Prince of Mirkwood receives comfort from an unexpected source.
Chapters:1 Words:2106 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Dec 16,2012

Seed of Friendship General Rated:All
Our favorite pair of unlikely friends, visits one of the friend's home.
Chapters:1 Words:2897 Reviews:0
Updated:Dec 16,2012

Across Time & Space Romance Rated:All
A series of drabbles to commemorate grief.
Warning: Tissue Alert!!
Chapters:1 Words:703 Reviews:0
Updated:Dec 17,2012
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