Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.

1044 Stories
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No Man's Child Action Rated:Teens Serial
"But when dark things come from the houseless hills, or creep from sunless woods, they fly from us. What roads would any dare to tread, what safety would there be in quiet lands, or in the homes of simple men at night, if the Dúnedain were asleep, or were all gone to the grave?"

FOTR: The Council of Elrond

"Here are some of my own kin from the far land where I dwelt," said Aragorn and yet we know so little of his kin
Chapters:1 Words:424 Reviews:4  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 30,2006

Forgiven General Rated:All
Before he left Middle Earth, Frodo Baggins had one hurt left he wished to see healed, so he summoned the Thain and his Lady to Bag End for one final dinner.
Chapters:1 Words:2396 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 19,2016

The Lady That Dies Not General Rated:All
What did she say to you, the Lady That Dies Not? Faramir and Galadriel in Minas Tirith.
Chapters:1 Words:516 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 21,2018

The Last Temptation (Rewritten) General Rated:Teens Serial
Heavily re-written, again. Thanks to all who have read, and I apologize for changing things on you! The style and plot elements have evolved some, hopefully for the better, and I am posting all the changes.

[Original summary:

This story first appeared in The Silmarillion Writer's Guild's Akallabeth in August. I am finally revising it and adding it to the archive.

Summary, from SWG:
Sauron has been taken prisoner by Pharazôn but nurtures an ever-growing influence. In the midst of a
Chapters:6 Words:53011 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jun 20,2016

Points of Light General Rated:All
My winter solstice offering for 2015. For Baranduin for her birthday, and on a prompt given me by Tallis. It's not precisely as you'd suggested, my friend, but I hope it still gives you pleasure!
Chapters:4 Words:3021 Reviews:0
Updated:Dec 25,2015

Coerced General Rated:All
A Shire lawyer finds himself in conversation with the deputy Mayor. In keeping with my own version of Frodo's duties during this time. (See The Ties of Family and The Acceptable Sacrifice.
Chapters:1 Words:1541 Reviews:0
Updated:Apr 13,2016

Old Accounts Coming Due General Rated:All
A story spanning part of the Third Age, involving a Trust, a pair of Elves, two families, and many changes. The last part of this takes place just prior to Chapter 7, "A Sigil & a House," in my novel, Marpol the Builder.
Chapters:1 Words:6109 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 20,2017

Reforging General Rated:All
This story, like "Old Accounts Coming Due," is related to my novel, Marpol the Builder. It takes place just before Chapter 10, "Wayfarer's Sword."
Chapters:1 Words:2767 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 26,2017

What We Leave Behind General Rated:Teens
The New Year is here. What will it bring?
Chapters:2 Words:2893 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 10,2018

A Holiday Feast General Rated:All
Bilbo Baggins intends that this Yule Feast will be one of special magnificence. My Advent calendar for 2014.
Chapters:26 Words:3025 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Dec 26,2014

When She Was A Warrior Romance Rated:Teens
Of Aredhel. No, seriously.
Chapters:1 Words:11875 Reviews:0
Updated:Dec 22,2014

Gimli's Gift General Rated:All
A little sequel to Journey Out of Darkness that can probably stand alone. In the Blessed Realm, Gimli begins to feel disconnected, until he receives a very special gift.
Chapters:1 Words:4575 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 6,2015

Saving Galadriel General Rated:All
This story arrived after seeing The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. In a way, it's a sequel to an earlier story (after seeing the first Hobbit movie), "Needles, Thread & Yarn," although I think that this can be read alone.

If you have not seen the 3rd movie, let me tell you simply that there is a scene at Dol Guldur in which Saruman, Gandalf, Elrond, Radagast, and Galadriel confront the Nazgul AND Sauron makes his presence known; the effect upon Galadriel is prof
Chapters:1 Words:1726 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 9,2015

Stories, Familiar and Rare Romance Rated:Teens
During a final and unexpected visit to Brandy Hall prior to leaving Middle Earth completely, Frodo was convinced to tell a story to the children of the Hall.
Chapters:2 Words:16653 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Mar 23,2015

Heart of a Horselord Action Rated:Teens
Basically, the story of Éomer's life since before he becomes a Marshall, and how his experiences shape the King he later becomes. Posting chapter one to make a commitment to finish the story! It's been in my head for so many years, it's time to finally get it out :) Any opinions or criticism are encouraged, welcome, and gratefully received.
Chapters:1 Words:10947 Reviews:0
Updated:Apr 9,2015

Redemption Begun General Rated:All
As Lobelia Sackville-Baggins begins the journey from the Lockholes in Michel Delving to her kindred in Hardbottle where she chooses to stay after her release, she finds reason to rethink her life and priorities.
Chapters:1 Words:2890 Reviews:0
Updated:Jun 24,2015

A Founding Member General Rated:All
Otis Tunnely's sister had done him wrong, and he now had the chance to set the matter right, in his own eyes, at least. For Mews, Shelley, and GamgeeFest for their birthdays.
Chapters:2 Words:7182 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 15,2015

Following the Fellowship from Afar Action Rated:Teens
Ere the Fellowship left Rivendell, Elrond also prepared phials of Light so as to follow as best as possible the fortunes of those who comprised the Fellowship of the Ring.
Chapters:1 Words:4340 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 2,2015

The Gothwyn Alliance  General Rated:All
At the feast celebrating Elessar and Arwen's wedding, Eowyn has an important conversation...
Chapters:1 Words:3661 Reviews:0
Updated:Jul 28,2015

Cold Spring General Rated:All
Éowyn tries to prepare.
Chapters:1 Words:462 Reviews:0
Updated:Jul 28,2013
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