Rating:All Genre:General
Chapters: 26 Word Count: 3025
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Bilbo Baggins intends that this Yule Feast will be one of special magnificence. My Advent calendar for 2014.
Third Age
Bilbo Baggins, Dora Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Hamfast ‘Gaffer’ Gamgee, Hobbits, Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee
[PF] 01:Apples
[PF] 02:Barrels of Beer
[PF] 03:Cherries--and Known!
[PF] 04:Dumplings
[PF] 05:Enough Eggs?
[PF] 06:Fruit Salad
[PF] 07:Garlands of Grapes
[PF] 08:Hams
[PF] 09:An Eye for Icing
[PF] 10:Jellies
[PF] 11:Krumcache
[PF] 12:Leg of Lamb
[PF] 13:Meatballs
[PF] 14:Nuts
[PF] 15:Olives and Onions
[PF] 16:Pea Soup
[PF] 17:Quick Breads
[PF] 18:Roasts and Root Vegetables
[PF] 19:Sausage
[PF] 20:Taters
[PF] 21:Upside-down Cake
[PF] 22:Violets in the Midst of Winter
[PF] 23:Wassail
[PF] 24:Extras
[PF] 25:Yule Blessings
[PF] 26:Zero?