Rating:Teens Genre:Action
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 424
Reviews:4 Post A Review Read Latest Review
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"But when dark things come from the houseless hills, or creep from sunless woods, they fly from us. What roads would any dare to tread, what safety would there be in quiet lands, or in the homes of simple men at night, if the Dúnedain were asleep, or were all gone to the grave?"
FOTR: The Council of Elrond
"Here are some of my own kin from the far land where I dwelt," said Aragorn and yet we know so little of his kin or his life among them. The men of the Grey Company did not spring fully formed from the grass. They had mothers, fathers, and kin, surely. Who crafted their gear, sheltered them when young, fed them, and wove their clothing?
The Rangers of the North were few in number and the Wilds over which they ranged was vast. When Aragorn commanded they turn from their other duties to protect the Shire, who must they then leave undefended? What price then did the Dúnedain of the North pay?
As seen through the eyes of a woman of the Lord of the Dúnedain’s house, this is an attempt at a tale of the Northlands in the years of Aragorn’s efforts to preserve the Free Peoples of Middle Earth.
Third Age
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