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Amid the Powers and Chances of the World
Rating:Teens Genre:Poetry
Chapters: 51 Word Count: 181713
Reviews:5  Post A Review   Read Latest Review
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"Men..should have a virtue to shape their lives, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else" (Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter 1). A mortal woman is brought to Rivendell for healing in the summer of 3018, and thus becomes entangled with both Men and Elves in the events of the War of the Ring. How will destiny and choice shape the lives of the two Kindreds?

This novel-length story travels from Rohan via Rivendell to Gondor and back again, twining itself in and out of the canon events of LoTR as it goes. Gap-filling, drama, humour, a dash of angst and - eventually - romance between the OFC protagonist and a canon character (so don't say you weren't warned!)

Rated Teens for,in later chapters, some fairly explicit descriptions of the aftermath of battle and for some (non-graphic) sexual content.

Thanks to the good offices of Altariel, e-book versions of the story are now available: .mobi here and .epub here.

Feedback will make me very happy - if even one reader in ten left a comment, that would make this author's day.
Third Age
Arwen Evenstar, Bilbo Baggins, Elladan, Elrohir, Éomer Éadig, Éowyn, Faramir son of Denethor II, Frodo Baggins, Gandalf, Gimli Elf-friend, Legolas Greenleaf, Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck, Original Female Character - OFC, Peregrin 'Pippin' Took I, Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee
[PF] 01:To Rivendell, Where Elves Yet Dwell
[PF] 02:Darkness Took Them, Horse and Horseman
[PF] 03:Out of Doubt, Out of Dark, To the Day's Rising
[PF] 04:I'll Linger Here, Beneath the Sun
[PF] 05:With Weary Feet
[PF] 06:Half-Grown Hobbits, the Hole-Dwellers
[PF] 07:With Foes Ahead, Behind Us Dread
[PF] 08:He Will Not Pass the Borders
[PF] 09:There Shall Be Counsels Taken
[PF] 10:Fire and Lamp, and Meat and Bread
[PF] 11:With Dwarf and Hobbit, Elves and Men
[PF] 12:Deep Roots are Not Reached by the Frost
[PF] 13:Many Paths and Errands Meet
[PF] 14:The Horse and the Rider
[PF] 15:From the Grey Twilight
[PF] 16:When Wind is in the Deadly East
[PF] 17:Till the Snows are Melted
[PF] 18:Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold
[PF] 19:In Dwimordene, in Lórien
[PF] 20:Through Moor and Waste We Ride in Haste
[PF] 21:Through Rohan over Fen and Field
[PF] 22:Still Round the Corner We May Meet
[PF] 23:Farewell We Call to Hearth and Hall
[PF] 24:Steed went Striding to the Stoningland
[PF] 25:I'll Look for Thee, and Call to Thee
[PF] 26:And Starless Night Devour the Sunless Day
[PF] 27:Over the Land there Lies a Long Shadow
[PF] 28:The Dead Watch the Road that Leads to the Sea
[PF] 29:Till the Dark Lord Lifts His Hand
[PF] 30:Death in the Morning and at Day's Ending
[PF] 31:Life to the Dying in the King's Hand Lying
[PF] 32:The White Gulls are Crying
[PF] 33:The Setting Sun, the Rising Sun
[PF] 34:Of Times There Were Before
[PF] 35:Over Death, Over Dread, Over Doom Lifted
[PF] 36:When Spring Unfolds the Beechen Leaf
[PF] 37:In This Far Land Beneath the Trees
[PF] 38:The Crownless Again Shall be King
[PF] 39:We Must Away Ere Break of Day
[PF] 40:Of Folk of Men and Elven-Kin
[PF] 41:I'll Look for Thee, and Wait for Thee
[PF] 42:Until the Stars are All Alight
[PF] 43:Wake and Hear Me Calling
[PF] 44:He Walked Alone and Sorrowing
[PF] 45:On Journey Long Without a Word
[PF] 46:Long was the Way that Fate them Bore
[PF] 47:And in a Noon of Gold
[PF] 48:Beneath the Sky Shall Be Our Bed
[PF] 49:Epilogue: Our Days are Ending
[PF] 50:Appendix: dates etc (Spoilers!)
[PF] 51:Acknowledgements and Sources

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