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Once Upon a Time in the West


Originally written for the LiveJournal tolkien_weekly "Family Ties: Grandparents" challenge.


"Tell me a story." Dior snuggles into the comforting crook of his mother's arm and the sweet scent of her raven hair. "About how you and Ada went to steal the Silmaril back from Morgoth, and Huan fought Carcharoth, and-"

"I told you that one last night," Luthien protests, laughing. "Shall we have something else tonight?"

"About Granny and Granddad then, and the Thousand Caves, and Doriath?"

"All right. Once upon a time in the great forest of Region-"

"Properly!" Dior squirms indignantly. "From the beginning!"

Luthien sighs. "Very well. Your Grandfather was an elven-king, and your Grandmother a goddess…"

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