Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
In the Cards


Day 21: Card: The Star


She's been shedding weight since the lockholes: little by little laying things down, 'til there's naught but her and her ghosts that linger in the halls.

“Where will you go?” Frodo asks, when she tells him she cannot remain.

“Home,” she replies.

“Pippin goes to Tuckborough tomorrow, he'll hire a messenger – ”

“I meant Hardbottle, Frodo.”

Frodo stares. “Hardbottle?” She nods. “You're sure, cousin?”


For she'd rattle about so in Sackville, and of late, she's begun to think there're living ghosts to see to – birthplace ballast to unlade, to remake as something better. Yes, she will to Hardbottle, without regret.


1. I've fudged the timing of Lobelia's return to Hardbottle somewhat. RoTK says she wouldn't return to Bag End, but c'mon - old lady, imprisoned in the dark? It makes sense to stop at a welcoming relative's house and recover a little more before making the journey back to Hardbottle.