Rating:Teens Genre:General
Chapters: 25 Word Count: 2922
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The annual There 'n Back Again Advent Calendar is based on tarot decks this year. So:
Four lives, five acts, six journeys in twenty-two trumps and three "wild" cards....
Day twenty-five (The World) is posted. Day 18 (The Devil) is revised.
Fredegar 'Fatty' Bolger, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, LĂșthien TinĂșviel, Melkor
[PF] 01:Dramatis Personae: The I at the Center of the World
[PF] 02:Smoke and Mirrors
[PF] 03:First Freedom
[PF] 04:Southfarthing
[PF] 05:Apokatastasis Panton
[PF] 06:Apokalypsis
[PF] 07:Night Bloom
[PF] 08:Right Neighborly
[PF] 09:Homoousios
[PF] 10:Unbound
[PF] 11:Old Growth
[PF] 12:Stone Under Hill
[PF] 13:Daimon
[PF] 14:Bag End
[PF] 15:Down-turvy Days
[PF] 16:The Valley of the Shadow
[PF] 17:Into the Storm
[PF] 18:Metaousiosis
[PF] 19:Two Towers
[PF] 20:Caritas
[PF] 21:Hardbottle
[PF] 22:The Veil
[PF] 23:New Day
[PF] 24:Mania
[PF] 25:Catharsis